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SCCC Cemetery & Burial Database

Search the SCCC Database of burial records to see where your ancestors are buried.

You can now search by Last Name or by Cemetery Name. If the person listed in our database has a gravestone, the transcription will show up in the search results.

This is an ongoing committee project. Further cemeteries, photos, and transcriptions will be added over time. Hard Copies, including photographs, of all current survey information is on file at the Stafford County Planning Department, located in the Stafford County Administration Building.

The Stafford County Cemetery Database was conceived to make the locations of the many existing Stafford cemeteries more accessible to researchers and developers. The Cemetery Database also provides for the capture of images, GPS coordinates and other information that today's technology can capture to provide more complete cemetery surveys.

This database is updated frequently. If you get no results on your first search, wait a day or two and try again.



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